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Featured on AP1

e-Nable Nepal’s General Secretary, Mr. Surendra Shrestha was interviewed in a program “Prayas” broadcasted by national television, AP1 TV. In the program, Mr. Shrestha explains about the process, production and distribution of 3D printed prosthetic hands in detail. He further expressed about the dream project of e-Nable Nepal i.e. production of bionic hands.

A bionic arm works by picking up signals from a user’s muscles. When a user puts on their bionic arm and flexes muscles in their residual limb just below their elbow; special sensors detect tiny naturally generated electric signals, and convert these into intuitive and proportional bionic hand movement. The bionic hand is controlled by tensing the same muscles which are used to open and close a biological hand. To close the Hero Arm’s hand, and perform the selected grip, imagine flexing the wrist inwards while pulling the fingers into the heel of the hand. To open the hand, imagine extending the wrist with an outstretched palm.

“e-Nable Nepal is functioning its task collaborately and spreading joys on different innocent faces.”, said Shrestha. He also insisted on “happiness is the greatest wealth” and the entire team of e-Nable Nepal is happy to achieve that “greatest wealth”. Mr. Shrestha also talks about his personal life and social life in the program.